References of PRO-AQUA CZ, s.r.o.
Wastewater treatment plants
Wastewater pumping stations
Gen. supplier KSB-pumpy a armatury s.r.o., Praha
Gen. supplier KSB-pumpy a armatury s.r.o., Praha
Gen. supplier KSB-pumpy a armatury s.r.o., Praha
Gen. supplier REKULTIVACE Ústí nad Labem, s.r.o.
Gen. supplier LK Pumpservice s.r.o., Praha
Gen. supplier PVC TVAR s.r.o., Radnice
Gen. supplier KSB-pumpy a armatury s.r.o., Praha
Gen. supplier MAX BIULDING s.r.o, Liběšice
Implementation 11/2018 - 12/2019
Gen. supplier Z.E.R.O.STAV INŽENÝRING a.s., Ústí nad Labem
Gen. supplier REKULTIVACE Ústí nad Labem, s.r.o.
Implementation 10/2016 - 03/2017
Implementation 07-11/2017
Implementation 03-09/2017
Implementation 11-12/2017
Implementation 11/2017
Implementation 01 - 03/2017
Implementation 12/2017-06/2018
Gen. supplier Z.E.R.O.STAV INŽENÝRING a.s., Ústí nad Labem
Implementation 11/2017
Implementation 09/2016
Implementation 10/2016
Implementation 03 - 05/2016
Implementation 11 - 12/2016
Implementation 04 - 06/2016
Implementation 07 - 12/2016
Implementation 9/2016
Implementation 01 - 06/2016
Implementation 12/2016
Implementation 11/2016
WWTP Buštěhrad
Description WWTP complex engineering science and technology park
Investor Strojírenský vědeckotechnický park s.r.o., Buštěhrad
Our company Supply of technological part, WWTP for PE 100
Implementation 12/2014 - 03/2015
Gen. supplier Ing. Zdeněk Pešek, Družec
Implementation 03 - 08/2015
Gen. supplier POHL cz, a.s.
Implementation 07 - 11/2015
Gen. supplier STAVPRO-služby s.r.o., Kladruby
Implementation 04 - 09/2015
Gen. supplier POHL cz, a.s.
Implementation 10 - 11/2015
Gen. supplier PRO-AQUA CZ, s.r.o.
Implementation 12/2015
Gen. supplier PRO-AQUA CZ, s.r.o.
Implementation 11 - 12/2015
Gen. supplier PRO-AQUA CZ, s.r.o.
Implementation 12/2015
Gen. supplier Ekostavby Louny, s.r.o.
Implementation 09/2015
Gen. supplier BP STAVBY CZ, s.r.o.
Wastewater pumping station Střekov
Description Reconstruction of the pumping station
Investor Severočeské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s.
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 01 - 02/2015
Gen. supplier PRO-AQUA CZ, s.r.o.
Implementation 10 - 12/2015
Gen. supplier PRO-AQUA CZ, s.r.o.
Implementation 12/2015
Gen. supplier Ekostavby Louny, s.r.o.
Implementation 08 - 10/2015
Gen. supplier PRO-AQUA CZ, s.r.o.
Implementation 04 - 06/2015
Gen. supplier PRO-AQUA CZ, s.r.o.
APS Vrbičany
Description Reconstruction of water meter pits and adding automatic stations to increase the pressure
Investor Severočeské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s.
Implementation 07 - 09/2014
Gen. supplier PRO-AQUA CZ, s.r.o.
Pumping station Chlumec
Description Completion of the automatic pressure stations
Investor Severočeské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s.
Our company Supply of technological part for an automatic pressure stations
Implementation 10 - 11/2014
Gen. supplier PRO-AQUA CZ, s.r.o.
Pumping station Chotovice
Description Drinking water pumping station technology reconstruction
Investor Severočeské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s.
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 11/2013 - 05/2014
Gen. supplier PRO-AQUA CZ, s.r.o.
Pumping station K2a Mlýny
Description Reconstruction of the process cased borehole and borehole valve chamber
Investor Severočeské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s.
Our company Supply of equipment borehole and borehole valve chamber
Implementation 10 - 11/2014
Gen. supplier PRO-AQUA CZ, s.r.o.
Pumping station Mezná
Description reconstruction of the pumping station and borehole
Investor Severočeské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s.
Our company Delivery of technology wells, sedimentation tanks and pumping stations
Implementation 11 - 12/2014
Gen. supplier PRO-AQUA CZ, s.r.o.
Wastewater pumping station Štěnovický Borek
Description reconstruction of the pumping station
Investor Štěnovický Borek municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 11 - 12/2014
Gen. supplier VKV Bravos, Radnice
Dolní Břežany - improving the quality of drinking water
Description Water source and water-supply tank reconstruction for municipality drinking water supply
Investor Dolní Břežany municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 05/2013 - 04/2014
Gen. supplier Sdružení Břežany - Pohl CZ, a.s. a Stavitelství Řehoř
Tlučná - sludge ending
Description Reconstruction of the process equipment for sludge dewatering WWTP
Investor Čistírna - zájmové sdružení obcí Nýřany, Tlučná a Vejprnice
Our company Supply sieve belt press and sludge treatment ends
Implementation 07/2014
Gen. supplier PRO-AQUA CZ, s.r.o.
Vilémov - sludge ending
Description Reconstruction of the process equipment for sludge dewatering WWTP
Investor Čístírna odpadních vod Vilémov, a.s.
Our company Supply sieve belt press and sludge treatment ends
Implementation 11/2014
Gen. supplier PRO-AQUA CZ, s.r.o.
Všeradice - Water treatment plant and Water-supply tank
Investor Všeradice municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 05 - 10/2014
Gen. supplier POHL cz, a.s.
WWTP Biřkov
Description Intensification WWTP Asavet a.s., Biřkov
Gen. supplier PRO-AQUA CZ, s.r.o.
WWTP Liblín
Description WWTP intenzification for PE 450 for biological treatment of municipal WW using MBBR technology
Investor Liblín municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 03 - 05/2013
Gen. supplier VKV BRAVOS s.r.o.
WWTP Tlučná
Description WWTP intenzification for PE 9 900 for biological treatment of municipal WW using MBBR technology
Investor Čistírna - zájmové sdružení obcí Nýřany, Tlučná a Vejprnice
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 05 - 12/2013
Gen. supplier Sdružení STREICHER - BÖGL a KRÝSL
WWTP Vilémov
Description Intenzification and optimization of wastewater treatment of municipal and industrial WW using MMBR technology
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 04 - 09/2013
Gen. supplier EUROVIA CS, a.s.
WWTP Zelená II.stage
Description Intensification ČOV Zelená for 1600 EO
Our company Supply of technological part
Gen. supplier Vodohohospodářská stavební spol. s r.o.
Wastewater pumping station Vstiš
Description Delivery technologies for wastewater pumping station
Gen. supplier BP STAVBY CZ, s.r.o.
Neutralization pH of wastewater Velké Březno
Description Installation of automatic neutralization plant to ensure required pH (in the range 6-9) of wastewater in the sewer system at the output of the brewery
Implementation 09 - 11/2013
Všeradice WWTP
Investor Všeradice municipality
Our company Supply of technological part for WWTP and for 4 wastewater pumping stations
Implementation 06 - 11/2013
Gen. supplier POHL cz, a.s.
WWTP Broumy
Description New WWTP for PE 1 000
Investor Broumy municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 08/2012 - 12/2012
Gen. supplier POHL cz, a.s.
WWTP Dětenice
Description WWTP for PE 1.000
Investor Dětenice municipality
Our company Full delivery
Implementation 09/2012 - 12/2012
Gen. supplier PRO-AQUA CZ, s.r.o.
WWTP Žižice
Description WWTP for PE 1200
Investor Žižice municipality
Our company Full delivery
Implementation 06/2008 - 02/2012
Gen. supplier PRO-AQUA CZ, s.r.o.
Pumping station Farská
Description Drinking water pumping station technology reconstruction
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 12/2012
Pumping station Křešice
Description Drinking water pumping station technology reconstruction
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 02 - 04/2012
ČSOV Kryry
Description New technological equipment wastewater pumping station
Gen. supplier Severočeské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s.
Unipetrol Litvínov
Description WWTP for biological treatment of industrial WW using MBBR technology
Investor Unipetrol, a.s.
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 01/2012 - 05/2012
Gen. supplier AQUATEST, a.s.
Water-supply tank Louny
Description Water-supply tank technology reconstruction
Implementation 11 - 12/2012
WWTP Hořešovice
Description WWTP for PE 750
Investor Hořešovice municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 09/2011 - 10/2011
Gen. supplier Jiří Kejř - podnik stavebních a zemních prací s.r.o.
WWTP Kamenice
Description WWTP intenzification for PE 4000 EO
Investor Kamenice municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 10/2010 - 11/2011
Gen. supplier PRO-AQUA CZ, s.r.o.
WWTP Kyšice
Description WWTP intenzification
Investor Kyšice municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 10/2010 - 02/2011
Gen. supplier PRO-AQUA CZ, s.r.o.
WWTP Přelíc
Description WWTP for PE 2100
Investor Přelíc municipality
Our company Full delivery
Implementation 07/2010 - 02/2011
Gen. supplier PRO-AQUA CZ, s.r.o.
WWTP Šabina
Description New WWTP for PE 360
Investor Šabina municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 07/2011 - 09/2011
Gen. supplier POHL cz, a.s.
WWTP Zelená
Description WWTP for PE 600
Investor Zelená municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 10/2009 - 06/2011
Gen. supplier Vodohospodářská stavební spol. s r.o., Chomutov
WWTP Žihobce
Description WWTP for PE 350
Investor Žihobce municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 08/2011 - 09/2011
Gen. supplier Vodohospodářská stavební spol. s r.o., Chomutov
WWTP Černovice
Description New WWTP for PE 300
Investor Černovice municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 04/2010 - 06/2010
Gen. supplier RENOVUM - stavební činnost s.r.o.
WWTP Chýně
Description WWTP intenzification for PE 6000, construction of new technological line
Investor Chýně municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 05/2010 - 11/2010
Gen. supplier POHL cz, a.s.
WWTP Líšná
Description New WWTP for PE 250
Investor Líšná municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 09/2010 - 12/2010
Gen. supplier Sdružení VK Líšná
WWTP Milín
Description Reconstruction of WWTP for PE 2300
Investor Milín municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 05/2010 - 11/2010
Gen. supplier ZKP Kladno, s.r.o.
Description WWTP for PE 1000
Investor Ruda municipality
Our company Supply of technological part for WWTP and for 4 wastewater pumping stations
Implementation 07/2010 - 11/2010
Gen. supplier Vodohospodářská stavební spol. s r.o., Chomutov
Water treatment plant Líšná
Description Water treatment plant for PE 250
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 09 - 12/2010
Water treatment plant Štěchovice
Description Water treatment plant technology recontstruction
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 08 - 09/2010
WWTP Meclov
Description New WWTP for PE 800 and wastewater pumping station
Investor Meclov municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 05/2009 - 06/2009
Gen. supplier Chodské vodárny a kanalizace, a.s.
WWTP Merklín
Description New WWTP for PE 1300 and 2 wastewater pumping stations
Investor Merklín municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 04/2009 - 09/2009
Gen. supplier BIS, a.s.
WWTP Milavče
Description New WWTP for PE 650
Investor Milavče municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 10/2008 - 02/2009
Gen. supplier PRAVES spol. s r.o.
WWTP Mnichov
Description New WWTP for PE 220
Investor Mnichov municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 11/2009
Gen. supplier BIS, a.s.
WWTP Skřípov
Description New WWTP for PE 650
Investor Skřípov municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 04/2009 - 06/2009
Gen. supplier Montáže inženýrských sítí spol. s r.o.
WWTP Zvoleněves
Description New WWTP for PE 1200
Investor The municipality of Zvolněves
Our company Full delivery
Implementation 05/2006 - 12/2009
Gen. supplier PRO-AQUA CZ, s.r.o.
Pumping station Neuměřice
Description Delivery of technology for 2 wastewater pumping stations
Investor Neuměřice municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 10/2009
Gen. supplier FISA s.r.o.
Pumping station Ohučov
Description Delivery of technology for 2 wastewater pumping stations
Investor Staňkov municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 04/2009
Gen. supplier VEToP spol. s r. o.
Pumping station Svádov, Olšinky
Description Delivery of technology for 3 new wastewater pumping stations
Investor Severočeské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s.
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 08 - 10/2009
Gen. supplier PRO-AQUA CZ, s.r.o.
APS Blatnice
Description Supply of drinking water automatic pressure station for the municipality
Investor Blatnice municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 2008
Gen. supplier BP STAVBY CZ. s r.o.
WWTP Březina
Description New WWTP for PE 1000
Investor Březina municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 04/2008 - 10/2008
Gen. supplier Oldřich Merta - Mertastav
WWTP Kočov
Description New WWTP for PE 250
Investor The municipality of Kočov
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 05/2007 - 08/2008
WWTP Kout na Šumavě
Description WWTP intenzification for PE 1000 - new biological line construction
Investor Kout na Šumavě municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 06/2008 - 12/2008
Gen. supplier PRAVES spol. s r.o.
WWTP Olovnice
Description New WWTP for PE 1300
Investor Olovnice municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 08 - 09/2008
Gen. supplier POHL cz, a.s.
WWTP Podlešín
Description WWTP intenzification for PE 550 - construction of new biological line
Investor Podlešín municipality
Our company Full delivery
Implementation 04/2008 - 07/2008
Gen. supplier FISA s.r.o
WWTP Preciosa Minkovice
Description New WWTP for biological treatment of industrial WW using MBBR technology
Investor PRECIOSA, a.s.
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 09/2008 - 12/2008
Gen. supplier STS Technologie spol. s r.o.
WWTP Tuchořice
Description New WWTP for PE 480 - SBR system
Investor Tuchořice municipality
Our company Full delivery
Implementation 04/2008 - 10/2008
Gen. supplier FISA s.r.o.
Pumping station Smečno
Description Wastewater pumping station technology reconstruction
Investor Smečno municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 03/2008
Gen. supplier PRO-AQUA CZ, s.r.o.
Pumping station Plesná
Description Delivery of technological part for 2 new wastewater pumping stations including mechanical pre-treatement
Investor Plesná municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 12/2008
Gen. supplier Stavby IS, s.r.o.
Pumping station Zdemyslice
Description Supply of technology for 3 wastewater pumping stations
Investor Zdemyslice municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 2008
Gen. supplier BP STAVBY CZ. s r.o.
Water-supply tank Žihobce
Description Water source and water-supply tank reconstruction for municipality drinking water supply
Investor Žihobce municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 09 - 10/2008
Gen. supplier Lesní stavby, s.r.o.
Pumping station Staré Fláje
Description Water level measurement in 6 wells including control system
Investor Severočeské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s.
Our company Supply of control system
Implementation 2007
WWTP Třebichovice
Description New WWTP for PE 2100
Investor The municipality of Třebichovice
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 10/2006 - 10/2007
WWTP Tymákov
Description New WWTP for PE 2100
Investor The municipality of Tymákov
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 05/2006 - 047/2007
Pumping station Dešenice
Description New pumping station of wastewater
Investor Dešenice municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 2007
Gen. supplier Lesní stavby, s.r.o.
ATS Kounov
Description supply of automatical compressive station for supplying of the municipality with drinking water
Investor The municipality of Kounov
Implementation 07/2006
Gen. supplier Ekostavby Louny, s.r.o.
WWTP Buštěhrad
Description new WWTP for PE 4000, supply of technological part
Investor The municipality of Buštěhrad
Implementation 05 - 09/2006
Gen. supplier Geosan group, a.s.
WWTP Draslovka Kolín
Description new WWTP for biological treatment of industrial wastewater with content of cyanide and aniline, hydraulic capacity 200 m3.d-1
Investor Lučební závody Draslovka a.s. Kolín
Implementation 09 - 11/2006
WWTP Folmava
Description WWTP intensification (capacity 1500 PE) - new biological line construction
Investor Česká Kubice municipality
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 06 - 08/2006
WWTP Švihov
Description new WWTP for PE 1600, supply of technological part and 5 pumping stations
Investor The municipality of Švihov
Implementation 04 - 07/2006
Gen. supplier Stavmonta, s.r.o.
Bělá conurbation – WWTP and sewerage system
Description new WWTP for PE 1.700
Investor City association “Bělská Group”
Our company supply of technological part
Implementation 01/2005 - 04/2005
Gen. supplier Stavmonta s.r.o. Plzeň
The Hotel Ostrov, Ostrov u Tisé – WWTP reconstruction
Description new WWTP for PE 200, design, project documentation and supply of technological part
Investor PhDr. Helena Kuličová
Implementation 10/2005 - 12/2005
Gen. supplier Martin Dušák Stylstav
Kozolupy – the 2nd phase
Description new pumping station of wastewater
Investor The municipality of Kozolupy
Implementation 10/2005
Gen. supplier Stavmonta s.r.o. Plzeň
Vysoká Libyně – WWTP and sewerage system
Description new WWTP for PE 300 EO, supply of technological part
Investor The municipality of Vysoká Libyně
Implementation 10/2005 - 11/2005
Gen. supplier Presskan, s.r.o.
Protivanov - WWTP
Description new WWTP for PE 1.600, supply of technological part
Investor The municipality of Protivanov
Implementation 07/2005 - 09/2005
Gen. supplier MIS s.r.o. Protivanov
Rynholec – WWTP
Description new WWTP for PE 1.000
Investor The municipality of Rynholec
Implementation 04/2004 - 07/2005
Gen. supplier PRO-AQUA CZ, s.r.o.
Spálenec – sewerage system and WWTP
Description new WWTP for PE 400
Investor The municipality of Česká Kubice
Our company Supply of technological part
Implementation 05 - 07/2005
Gen. supplier Invest tel s.r.o. Klatovy
Železná Ruda – WWTP reconstruction
Description reconstruction of WWTP for PE 19.000, supply of technological part
Investor The city of Železná Ruda
Implementation 10/2005 - 11/2005
Gen. supplier Stavmonta s.r.o. Plzeň
Sewerage system for the city of Mýto
Description new WWTP for PE 2.100, supply of technological part
Investor The city of Mýto
Implementation 05/2003 - 4/2004
Gen. supplier S&H stavební a obchodní firma s.r.o, Rokycany
Poděbradka a.s. - WWTP intensification
Description intensification of WWTP for PE 16.000, supply of technological part
Investor Poděbradka a.s.
Implementation 07/2004 - 10/2004
Gen. supplier Agrostav Pardubice a.s.
Lesná WWTP
Description construction of new WWTP for PE 550, supply of technological part
Investor The municipality of Lesná
Implementation 08/2003 - 11/2003
Gen. supplier HOCHTIEF VSB divize 3